A review by catmar19
My Thirteenth Winter by Samantha Abeel


I wanted to like this book, and I did within the first 50 or so pages. I guess I should lay off memoirs for awhile. There's a self-importance that just irritates me. I find myself wanting to scream at the narrator to "just get over it already!" and "to get help, dude."

Ok, this book was an interesing peek into the life of someone dealing with a learning disability. As a teacher, I found it intriguing, and it made me wonder how many of my own students are living with undiagnosed learning disabilities. But I couldn't get over the endless whining in the book. Even when things were going smoothly, the narrator would add some kind of "but" in it. I was also amused by the description of her panic attacks. Not that panic attacks are amusing, I've had a few myself, but she made it seem like puking is the worst thing in the world. My internal response (because I don't talk out loud to my books!) was "just go stick your face in the toilet." Seriously, she acted like puking was horrible horrible horrible, and it's not pleasant by a long shot, but sheesh! It made me wonder if she ever had a stomach bug before.

Enough ranting. I won't be reading this one again.