A review by myblissfulbooks
Boomer's Rise by K.L. Savage


Okay ya’ll, I am not even going to lie I squealed when I got this! I mean seriously who isn’t in love Boomer? Shhh… just don’t tell his main squeeze. K.L. Savage did not let me down. I dove into Boomer’s Rise like a kid in a candy store. And then I devoured him and his club.

Knowing how the Atlantic City chapter started and then to see how far they have come was wonderful. Of course it would be a Savage book if there weren’t tears in your eyes at some point. These women blend all the clubs together so seamlessly that they come alive as you read. I love the cameos that other chapters make.

All the characters in Boomer’s Rise are incredibly entertaining. I can’t wait to read their stories and find out more. Savage has made it where I feel like I visiting old friends and catching up. Wondering how they have risen to all the challenges they have face. I’m excited to see where the Atlantic City chapter of the Ruthless Kings will go.

Don’t miss a beat and one click Boomer’s Rise.