A review by cyanide_latte
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
Perhaps I'm not in a good position to read this book at this exact moment, but I need to shelve this one and return at a later date.

The only statement I can definitively make at this point is that I don't like Grady Hendrix's writing style at all. Something about it makes me want to scream, tear my hair out and climb up the walls in the worst way. I shouldn't have to listen to the audiobook alongside reading the physical copy just to tolerate the writing (on that note, Adrienne King is a doll and has done her best with this book as the audio narrator, all the love to her.)

This doesn't read as a love letter to slasher franchises, their final girls OR their fans, which is what I was at least hoping to catch a glimmer of in this book. It is pretenstious and reads as a holier-than-thou piece that Hendrix wrote as if he's trying to prove he's capable of crafting a better "requel" concept than any director out there. Which doesn't make for a good reading experience for me. It's one thing to write fanfiction and hope that your genuine love shines through in a fix-it fic and reaches the audience of fellow disgruntled fans who jive with your concept and appreciate your efforts to share a story you think stands out as what you wanted from a franchise you love but went downhill with installments. This...is not that.

I will be keeping my copy of the book for now; I hope to give it a second chance in the future. But right now, I don't have the patience or tolerance for it.