A review by kristianawithak
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala


This is as good as everyone says it is, and I’m so thankful so many people kept raving about it.

The Honeys is the YA camp horror book I was looking for. This book is creative and compelling. Even though summer is officially over, it’s a great book to cozy up with this fall.

Mars’s twin sister dies at the opening of the book. And Mars will do anything to figure out what happened to her. Even returning to the gender binary rules of the elite summer camp, he stopped attending.

I had never read a book with a gender-fluid main character, and Ryan La Sala’s Mars was engaging and compelling. I was rooting for Mars the whole time. The camp setting and social network of camp were spot on. La Sala said, “ I did want to sort of peel back the candied nostalgia that a lot of people have around [summer camp] and report on the stuff that actually happens there.”

The Honeys is about grief and loss, the bond between twins, and about belonging. It’s great for teens and adults.

In an interview, La Sala says, “I will always write about queer kids. A big part of my agenda as an author is creating a new mythology around queerness that finds power in the narratives of queerness, and with nuance and complexity. That's always been the case and that's never going to change. I think the hostility that queer youth are facing, if anything, makes me feel all the more adamant that I don’t back down from these big creative challenges.”

La Sala has a new book out next week. I cannot wait to read it.