A review by finitha
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott


Reading Scott is an acquired taste and I don't think anyone will disagree if I say this is his best one. I bought this in exchange of my medicine money (books are always better than antibiotics), and happy to say Scott didn't disappoint me a bit.
What is the difference between history books and historical novels? One gives facts on dead people and the other puts some life to it by adding some tales (most of the time imaginary) which makes them personal. Since its publication in 1819, 'Ivanhoe' has enjoyed a unique popularity as it had brought together Britain's two most popular heroes -- King Richard I (also known as the lion-hearted) and Robin Hood. And it is his first novel to be set in England with its Norman - Saxon conflicts and the plight of Jews under Christian rule.

To know the story, visit http://finithajose.blogspot.in/2013/02/ivanhoe-sir-walter-scott.html