A review by mollymortensen
Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands


While the storyline from Pet's book was fresh in my mind, I decided to skip ahead to her twin sister, Quinn's book. Good news, I didn't miss anything. Bad news, I didn't like it very much.

The writing wasn't as good. Every chapter jumped ahead, then back caped, which was so annoying!

I didn't like the whole plane crash part in the beginning. In order to give the couple time to get to know each other, the author had them have a shared dream. Basically all of the romance and getting to know each other happened in this dream. After that, it was all sex and fighting with each other.

The characters are what makes this series, but I didn't care for anyone in this one. I liked Pet, so even though I didn't care for Quinn much in Pet's book, I had hope for her. Unfortunately, she only got worse. She's one of my least favorite heroines of the series. I didn't particularly care about Jet one way or the other. One of the main reasons I wanted to read this now was Parker. I loved that kid! Unfortunately, he was barely in it. He had like one scene!

I hate it when authors get mental health so wrong. Quinn has been screwed up for years, but one counseling session and she's over her anger. I also hate how she defended her husband. He was a jerk. I understand getting over your anger, but she shouldn't blame herself for how he treated her.

It made sense Quinn would want to be sure about Jet before she claims him after all she's been through. (And there's no divorce for eternity.) I didn't like how the others pressured her. Especially how Margarite threatened to wipe Jet's memory if Quinn didn't chose quickly enough. I can understand not stringing the man along but Quinn has been through a trauma, give the girl a little time!

Then the ending was way too quick.
SpoilerShe went from not ready to be lifemates to proposing after a shared dream date at an amusement park.