A review by lovelykd
The Awakening by Kate Chopin


The third star? I must admit it’s due to “when” this was written. Can you even imagine a woman of means, from a “respected” lineage, deciding to cast off society’s burdens and live life on her own terms? In whatever way that presents itself?

It’s a stretch to imagine a woman doing that now, even in this modern society—when women are allowed? Permitted? Given the opportunity to …? be all they can be (please understand I’m saying this facetiously).

For all the advancements of this society, much of the old still remains. There are still men who hope to possess, control, and otherwise dictate the movements of women.

Edna’s awakening was her curse. That’s as sad of a story now as it was then—and to have told it in 1899? My gracious. What a woman Kate Chopin had to have been.