A review by monetp
The Cup and the Prince by Day Leitao



"Contrary to what stories told, being petty, revengeful, and deceitful felt amazing." ~ [b:The Cup and The Prince|55098686|The Cup and The Prince (Kingdom of Curses and Shadows #1)|Day Leitao|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1598268270l/55098686._SY75_.jpg|85899491]

This is the perfect series for fans of the [b:Poison Study|60510|Poison Study (Study, #1)|Maria V. Snyder|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388519019l/60510._SY75_.jpg|1180409] series and the [b:Throne of Glass|7896527|Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)|Sarah J. Maas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1495278054l/7896527._SY75_.jpg|11138426] books. I love how "The Cup and the Prince" has the similar concept of a young girl traveling to a new kingdom and completing dangerous tasks. Just like in "Poison Study" and "Throne of Glass," the main heroine of this novel learns about court intrigue, tries magic spells, and makes important allies. Zora and Griffin's relationship reminds me so much of Yelena and Valek's relationship! If you ship Yelena and Valek, you will fall head over heels for Zora and Griffin. Also, I love that Zora has the same level of sass that Celaena has.

I loved "The Cup and the Prince" because it puts all of my favorite fantasy tropes to great use and abandons all the overrated tropes. For example, yes, the kingdom, knights, and magic trope is overplayed, but Zora breaks tradition by refusing to date any of the princes. She straight out refuses to date anyone until she secures a future for herself. All of the princes are shocked at this turn of events and so was I! I was pleasantly surprised at that the author didn't rush to throw the main heroine into a silly romance.

I have few critiques for this book. If anything, I wanted it to be longer! I know there will be a sequel, but this first novel was extremely short and there are quite a few loose ends. THAT CLIFFHANGER TOO! I am dying to know what is wrong with Griffin. I'm okay with not having all the answers, but I have too many questions and no release date for the next book. I'm praying that the sequel is as amazing as this novel.

I was completely swept away into the beauty and sheer ferocity of this story! Zora is smart and strong, kind and sincere, and sensitive but also terrifying when she has to be. She has all my favorite personality traits that I want in a fictional heroine! Also, her friendship with Mauro is to die for. I love them! I can't wait for this book to premiere on October 15th so I can discuss it with other readers.

Some of my favorite quotes:

"Forget that she'd even accepted to give her body as a gift. She was nobody's gift."

"She squeezed Zora's hand. 'Keep being amazing and representing us. Show these men what a woman can do.'"

"Perhaps in a way his heart had been broken, too. She didn't think much of men's hearts, but didn't mind doing something to alleviate a person's suffering."

"He frowned. 'No. No. Of course not. You can say no to anyone you want anytime you want, even if it's the king of the universe.'"