A review by kristianawithak
A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen


What would you do if you were trapped in a four day time loop? Eat anything you want, spend anything you want? How much of life resets every four days? How long does it take you to get bored or break out?

Carter Cho is stuck in a time loop, so he does the best thing he can think of and traps Marianna in it with him. What could go wrong trapping a near total stranger in a time loop with you?

I love a Groundhog’s Day scenario and Mike Chen delivers a delightful tale with Quantum Love Story. There’s science, there’s time loops, there’s cooking, there’s questioning what we choose to do with our lives. It’s a charming tale of missing loved ones, estranged relationships with family, not living the life you thought you would, and how to start over. And over. And over. Four days at a time.

It’s not too heavy on the science, and it’s a fun caper.