A review by sarratbb
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio


WHAT DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY??? This is one of my favourite books ever. I am not summarizing it. I love the intertextuality aspects with Shakespeare's plays : the presentation, the quotes, the actual plays on stage, the emotional dissociation, the nature of the story itself, the roles of each character in life and in plays, the ending. EVERYTHING WAS SO GOOD I AM IN TEARS LAUGHING AND CRYING AND THROWING UP I COULD MARRY THIS BOOK OMG
but Oliver :'(
(may I add that the plot is simple, nothing crazy, nothing new, but BUT the presence of Shakespeare's plays on so many levels deepen this plot on an emotional level thus making it complex enough to be amazing : layers of reality => layers in characters => layers in plot )
edit : [b:The Secret History|29044|The Secret History|Donna Tartt|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1451554846l/29044._SY75_.jpg|221359] vibes