A review by novamonday
The Wicked King by Holly Black


Holly Black has really upped the ante with this book.
She's all in and as a reader I was pouring through the pages like my life depended on it. I literally could not put The Wicked King down. This second book is better than the first!
Yes, Jude and Cardan are an interesting couple with some not-so-very-healthy coping mechanisms, but their reactions to their relationship and the reactions they have to others are real. Everything that happens in the book feels "real" in the sense that the reader isn't shouting every ten pages, "so-and-so would not do that!" Actions don't feel contrived to serve the writer's whims (even if they technically are).
As for the ending...well, I think Holly might be enjoying drive her readers a bit crazy with the cliffhanger she leaves us with in this book. Even if I knew about it ahead of time, I would not have waited to read this book closer to the new release. It's worth the torture the reader will endure. However, now that I am done reading this book, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.

Incidentally, there will be no advanced copies of the next book in the series. We will all be anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.