With a gorgeous style and attractive premise, but with a boring instalove and linear characters full of cliches, I finished it somewhat enthusiastic, but wasn't that memorable for me. There wasn't enough development or originality to make me want to know more.
¡Qué historia de fantasía tan tierna! Todavía me estoy acostumbrando al formato de las novelas en verso, pero esta es tan fácil de leer como de disfrutar. Los diálogos y la narración son tan fluidos como se podría esperar de un poema, pero tan profundos como una novela para adultos (¡aunque esto no es solo para adultos!). Hay varias escenas que insinúan algo más complejo de lo que parece a simple vista, secreto hasta que te das cuenta de lo que está pasando.
This is such a cute fantasy story! I'm still getting used to the format of novels in verse, but this one is so easy to read as it is to enjoy. The dialogues and narration are as fluent as you might expect from a poem but as deep as an adult novel (this is not only for adults, though!) There are several scenes that hint at something more complex than it meets the eye, secret until you realize what's going on.
Full review: https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/08/manga-brujos-of-borderland-high.html
¡Esta historia es más adorable de lo que pensé que sería! Hay mucho drama, humor y situaciones hilarantes. No es tan directa como otros mangas que he leído, pero funciona con facilidad. El guión es sólido y ambos personajes son muy humanos, lo que hace que sea aún más fácil sumergirse en el mundo de Hashimoto y Uma. Reseña completa (A publicarse el 12 de agosto): https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/08/manga-turns-out-my-online-friend-is-my.html
This story is more adorable than I thought it would be! There's a lot of drama, humor, and hilarious situations. It doesn't go as straight-forward as other mangas that I've read, but it makes it work with ease. The script is solid and both characters are very human, which makes it even easier to get immersed in the world of Hashimoto and Uma. Full review (To be published on August 12): https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/08/manga-turns-out-my-online-friend-is-my.html
Soy un fanático nato de la fantasía. Si llevan esa misma fantasía, cosas que deberían ser imposibles, a la vida real, caigo enamorado. Tengo esta fascinación por las criaturas imposibles. Algunos los llaman críptidos, otros monstruos, otros simplemente figuras y personajes del folclore y la mitología. Yo los llamo cultura. Por eso decidí darle una oportunidad a echarle el guante a Cryptids, Creatures & Critters: A Manual of Monsters & Mythos from Around the World, por Rachel Quinney. Reseña completa: https://wildhunt.org/2024/07/resena-de-libro-cryptids-creatures-critters-by-rachel-quinney.html
I’m a natural-born sucker for fantasy. Bring that same fantasy, things that should be impossible, to real life, and I am all yours. I have this fascination for impossible creatures. Some call them cryptids, some monsters, others just figures and characters from folklore and mythology. I call them culture. That’s why I decided to get my hands on Cryptids, Creatures & Critters: A Manual of Monsters & Mythos from Around the World, by Rachel Quinney. Full review: https://wildhunt.org/2024/07/review-cryptids-creatures-critters.html
Too rushed, graphic for the sake of being graphic, and with no actual answers. It's usually a good thing for me lose track of time when reading, but this time it wasn't the case: the script was too busy trying to be shocking and mysterious at the same time, and I realize it is because of Cullen's style. It doesn't work for me, to the point that I didn't underdstand the ending or even part of the development.
I loved this book! It has the charm of the old, dark fantasy cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid with the maturity of the adult I am right now. It’s full of surprises, adventures, charming characters, and stories that immerse you into a new world of ghosts, magic, and murderous robots. Full review (July 18th): https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/07/comic-strange-tales-of-oscar-zahn.html
This is such an easy book to read! Just one sitting, quite literally, is all it took me to finish it, but that doesn’t mean it compromises quality. At all. The vignettes are sincere, direct, rawly human, to the point where you can relate to a level you wouldn’t think was possible.
Full review (July 15th): https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/07/comic-lavender-clouds.html
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I absolutely devoured this book! The story gripped me from the beginning and I was able to simpathize with Vieri because of the eternal questions regarding the human condition: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I doing here? I’ve struggled with the same issues at different points in my life, especially regarding my spirituality, so this makes it an even more interesting story for me.
Full review (July 9): https://tintanocturna.blogspot.com/2024/07/comic-devil-that-wears-my-face.html
An impressive project that left me wanting to know more about the field. With so many essays, different points of view, it's easy to go down the rabbit hole as you get fascinated page after page. Some chapters were heavier than others, some didn't make a lot of sense to me, but I'm still impressive nonetheless.
It was so easy to read and enjoy! I haven't been a big fan of the series, but the previous and this volume have impressed me. Can't wait to see the finale!