Mandatory reading for "The Limits of Historical Knowledge" class at my uni course.
I enjoyed this book and I feel like it can provide me with a lot of knowledge and tools to help me on my path to becoming an Historian. Marc Bloch is an important figure in Historiography and a must for every Historian and student of History or Archeology. It is a shame that the author was unable to bring this opus to its fruition and witness its publication. Nevertheless, it is a treasured work of historical wisdom, an obligatory cornerstone in the education of all those who seek to fathom the annals of the past.
Esta é uma interessante peça reflexiva sobre o Mediterrâneo. O livro é composto por fragmentos de pensamentos soltos, que são agrupados e organizados de forma linear, mas dá para perceber que são fragmentos. Aliás, uma das citações no posfácio descreve bem o livro:
"O "Breviário" propriamente dito, cujos fragmentos sucessivos se encadeiam como um uma fluidez musical, enuncia os temas: é o catálogo dos tópicos de todos os discursos possíveis sobre o mediterrâneo: portos, ilhas, ventos, correntes, costas, faróis, terrenos, línguas, utensílios, migrações, batalhas navais, etc."
O livro está dividido em três secções principais: Breviário (uma espécie de diário de bordo de reflexões ao longo da viagem do autor), Cartas (nomeadamente cartas náuticas e mapas) e Glossário (essencialmente, tudo o que não se encaixou ou não foi desenvolvido nas secções anteriores).
O livro é bastante interessante, mas, admito, um pouco enfadonho em certas alturas, principalmente na secção das Cartas, quando o autor começa a enumerar autores e artistas. Para entender a 100% o que o autor fala, é preciso ter quase o mesmo conhecimento que ele, principalmente relacionado com náutica, mapas e outros assuntos semelhantes. A minha parte favorita, e na qual fiz mais anotações, foi a parte do Breviário e, depois, a parte do Glossário.
No geral, é um bom livro para quem tem interesse do Mediterrâneo, mas admito que esperava mais, daí a minha avaliação de 3,75.
I read this as part of the Game of Tomes Book Club organized by CarolynMarieReads and emmiereads over on Youtube.
This was my second Austen novel and I enjoyed it a lot! I found it to be very funny and the main character is so innocent at first, to the point I had to actually stop and reflect if she was naive or if I was understanding the text wrongly, but, no she was naive indeed! However, she is still a very loveable character and so are Elanor and Henry. I really enjoyed the moments these three were together, although I kind of hated Isabella, she was a b-word. Same with the General, what a rude man. Overall the book was very enjoyable and I can't wait to pick up another of Austen's novels!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Well... I've loved the movie for years and I was in the mood to read an autumn, witchy book but this... this isn't it. I will admit the only reason I got through it was because I read it on audiobook, otherwise, I doubt I would've finished it. The book is much darker, the characters are unlikable and, while the plot is somewhat similar, it seems... darker somehow. The way I can describe this book is like a dark looming cloud. It really disappointed me, I was expecting something different. I guess this is the exception where the movie is better than the book.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This was cute! Not as cute as the first book (but a lot more smuttier!) and it only started picking up around the middle of the book. Overall, a nice, lighthearted read!
Hmm. Not sure do to was because I read the Portuguese translation but I did not like it as much as I thought I would. I loved the environment and the ambience but the characters and the plot... Not so much. It was a nice read but it's not a book I would say I would re-read to be honest.
THIS BOOK IS SO CUTEE!! I love these characters and this story!! My only complaint, which might be because of my edition, and I will check when my physical copy arrives (read it on Kindle), is that there are a LOT of time jumps with no warning whatsoever. I would love a bit of a time note, like even just one line "Two weeks later" or something, because, especially at the beginning, it gives you a bit of a whiplash. But besides that, THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING! And I can't wait to see the movie adaptation in a week!!!!!
This is a very emotional and beautiful book. It almost made me cry in a café shop at 8 in the morning, I have to admit. The characters are very well created and the story makes sense. The way the "time travel" works... is very plausible. No matter what you do, you can't change the past but can come to terms with several situations and change your outlook on things. It is inspiring and sad, at the same time. I enjoyed it and I highly recommend it.