I liked this book just a little bit better than the first one. The story started a little bit slowly, but once it hit the halfway mark, I was was hooked. I really felt for James and wanted him to find happiness. I like seeing Beth and Gwen as their story continued. The cherry on the top, however, was the absolutely perfect ending.
This book was very enjoyable! There were times when it felt very YA. Even though the key characters were all.in their twenties, a lot do how they acted and the conversations they had felt more like teens than adults.
I liked the dynamic between the main couple as well as the side relationships. The story dragged a little in the middle but otherwise has good flow and pacing. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book in the series.
Dionysus was by far my favorite character in this book and he simply didn't get enough page time. At times it felt like this book dragged. The Minotaur never really won me over as a love interest, but I still enjoyed the romance aspects. Though I almost would have preferred an entire book of Ariadne and Dionysus just hanging out together being besties.
I was honestly a bit disappointed with this book. It felt rushed, especially when compared to the other books in the series. Not only did the plot seem a bit lacking, but also there wasn't really any lead up to the relationships. One second you have them secretly pining and the next they're giving full confessions. It kind of felt thrown together and hurried, but I wanted more.
I also wanted to see Orpheus change after five books talking about how much he screwed up, but we didn't get to really see any of that development. I loved his character, but we only got to see the end result of his changed heart and personality and it felt kind of cheap.
I did like how the overarching plot moves forward in this book, finally giving us answers. Some were a bit repetitive, though, and felt a bit like filler. This doesn't just apply to things from previous books that were repeated for the plot, but new things happening in this book. Several things related to the plot as well as specific ohrases were repeated multiple times, especially when switching POVs, and it got redundant.
Despite it not quite living up to expectations and the previous books, I enjoyed the book and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes next.
I really didn't think I could be made to like Theseus, but somehow this book won me over! (Though I feel like Adonis stole the show a little.) I'm fully invested in this series and can't put the books down!
I got a little lost in a lot of the battle scenes, and had trouble visualizing some aspects, but I overall enjoyed the book. I was fully invested in the outcome and need more immediately.