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911 reviews

The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre

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Well damn, i didn’t know how i would take to this book. I like a good thriller and the thought of a women staying in her studio apartment for three years never touching another person or leaving it all in order not to kill people made me pick it up.

Deanna Madden is part killer and part victim i got way more than i bargained for in this thriller, i thought we would be following her as she fights the urge to kill which is in part the plot but it’s so much more. We get a well researched dive in to the world of Cam girls and i now have more knowledge than i ever did on the subject but it makes you respect what they do even if you don’t agree or like what they do. Those girl go through some shit (no wonder the money is so high). You get a whole background of Deanna and her family slowly unraveling throughout the book which just draws you in, makes you want to know what happened in her past. The part that surprised me the most was the relationship she has with her mail delivery guy Jeremy who does what she asks but is enticed by her mystery. I didn’t think this book would have a romance (kind of) angle because the sexual content is not romantic in the slightest but Jeremy and Deanna friendship? Maybe infatuation with each other didn’t feel forced.

Then the plot that surges the book in to action is young Annie who goes missing and the girl reminds Deanna of one of her online clients fantasy a little to close to the letter. Some of this book is hard to read and yes it's vulgar but it all advances the plot and gives you more understanding of the characters. In order to save Annie from the danger Deanna believes she’s in, she has to leave the apartment she hasn’t left in three years and risk going on a rage killing spree.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat, it won’t be for everyone but i have ordered the next in the series and plan on continuing on to find out what happens next.
How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi

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If close your eyes just a little, you can see the sunset setting over the piazzale, you can taste the sweet notes of the wine, you smell the ocean breeze mixing with the delicious food and best of all you can feel Amir heart beat every step of the way.

Amir is Muslim and Iranian. Amir is gay.
These are both facts.
When his life is turned upside down by a class mate who threatens to out him to his family Amir is at a crossroads, let his life fall apart or run away. Amir chooses to run away but in doing so he discovers something he never thought possible. He discovers the real him. In Rome he meets a group of people, who are all gay he finds through this group acceptance.

I really enjoyed the way of this narrative, we not only follow Amir in a how we got here stance with flashbacks we follow his mum, dad and sister. How they find out where their son ran of to and why he ran. I like how we seen through all different perspectives and how messy the journey was. Not everything is easy and somethings are hard but sometimes you need to run through the quick sand in order to make it to the other side.

The reason this book wasn’t a 5 star read is because I find I wanted more of religious aspect it was pitched in a certain way and it does deliver I just wish it delivered more, Also the nipple story which I had been previously warned about was quite disturbing and all throughout the book I couldn’t get it out my head, I want to know if this story is fictitious!
A Worthy Opponent by Katee Robert

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Favourite in the series so far.