emmaraeempowered's reviews
373 reviews

Intersectionallies: We Make Room for All by Chelsea Johnson, Carolyn Choi, Latoya Council

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This was fantastic! This book so beautifully and simply explains intersectionality to a younger audience. What I absolutely loved about this is at the end there is a page that just helps to define intersectionality. And then there is a page-by-page book discussion guide that not only explains things further but asks the audience questions to really think about their own family, privilege, and community.

I think if you are a parent, relative, guardian, or teacher and are trying to look for ways to teach intersectionality to your youngsters this is a fantastic resource!! 
Bessie Smith and the Night Riders by Sue Stauffacher, John Holyfield

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I think this is a good book to teach young kids about Bessie Smith and the time period. 
In case you're curious as I was, this was written by a white woman and illustrated by a Black man. 
I always feel cautious, or on edge when white people are writing about history Black figures. 

Love in Color: Mythical Tales from Around the World, Retold by Bolu Babalola

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Y'all! I am not a romance girly, but I loved this!!!! I think this was such a fun collection and such a beautiful way to honor ancient tales of very powerful women. Most of these tales 'origins' (in qoutes because they are all such old tales that there is no definite origin) were very violent or were just so clearly beneficial to the male view. I loved how different aspects were explored. 

I felt the messages of each story were all very clear, I liked the length of them all too. 

I would recommend this collection whether you mainly pick up romance stories or avoid them lol. This was lovely!
Every Tongue Got to Confess: Negro Folk-Tales from the Gulf States by Zora Neale Hurston

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I loved this! I loved how it felt like listening to some elders tell me stories. Some of them I didn't understand or get what the meaning of the story was, but still enjoyed them. Some had me laughing out loud! 

It's always a joy to read some of Zora Neale Hurston's works. It makes me feel closer to the family members I never met. I had this on my shelf for so long that I'm glad I finally picked it up! 
Vegetable Kingdom: The Abundant World of Vegan Recipes by Bryant Terry

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Loved this!! Cannot wait to try out some of these recipes!! 
Minecraft Volume 1 by Sfé R. Monster

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  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


Idk why but I've been on a Minecraft kick 🤣 I've been watching streamers play or any funny videos of people playing. A while back I was watching speedrun videos. Sadly whenever I actually play the game I get super motion sick and can't play lol. 

But anyway this was really cute! Lots of diverse characters throughout the characters. 

The main plot line is that Tyler has moved away far from his friends and is dealing with a new school and new area. 
Nova by Samuel R. Delany

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adventurous medium-paced
