jjkmanga's reviews
871 reviews

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

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Not Ms Austen’s best, I think.
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

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i went in not knowing what was happening and i came out not knowing what was happening
Lovely War by Julie Berry

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edit: 3.5 stars
only took me a year from meeting julie berry til now-but i finally read the damn thing!
i’d be lying if i said i picked this book at all for the story. i’m a huge loser when it comes to greek mythology, especially since aphrodite and ares are my favorite, so i decided to finally read this.
i think one of the big pulls that this had was that a bunch of people said it was sad. i mean, i saw photos of reviewers crying talking about how it affected them. i’ll be honest, i didn’t really care much. i was expecting to at least be a bit sad, but i genuinely can’t think of a single depressing thing that happened in this book. do i simply have a heart of stone? (sources say yes)
the racism aspect kind of jumped out jarringly at the beginning, but i do think it was handled...interestingly. no further comment.
this isn’t an amazing book that i’d go around recommending to everyone. i honestly can’t really recall the story and i just finished reading it a moment ago. i do think it’s a nice read if you’re not looking to be wowed.
(p.s. aphrodite is hot)
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

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wow okay this was so good... read this for the black hotties live stream and I'm so happy i did because it was a quick read and so important!!
it deals with the narratives of needing to be a white savior and fetishization of black women and black culture. it's such a good example of representation and can really be so dramatic when speaking about mundane things in life.
Spoiler thank god she didn't get with kelley at the end. god damn! i was really rooting for the white boy with his cute eyes and funny jokes but as soon as he pulled out the hard r i knew there was something wrong. and all his friends and past girlfriends have been black? the fetishization is real