kayetaz's reviews
301 reviews

The Risk by Elle Kennedy

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3.7 ⭐️ 
Spice: 🌶️.5/5
Format: ebook

Alright I said after reading The Chase that I was done with Elle Kennedy books. However I did love Brenna and Jake’s back and forth in that book more than I liked the featured couple so I gave this story a try. It was a lot better.

I love that it had a little bit of fake dating but it wasn’t the whole plot. I liked that they didn’t deny their feelings the whole time like a fake dating romance usually would. The only things I didn’t love were the Hollis/Rupi storyline and the third act breakup. Rupi was genuinely annoying and Mike would literally date any girl giving him attention so it wasn’t anything interesting. There was also no need for a five day breakup, especially when Jake regretted it literally the second he broke up with Brenna. He could’ve changed his mind before she left and it would’ve made this book an easy four stars. I’m getting weary of the obvious third act breakup plots. Please stop.

I really don’t know if I’ll read anymore of this series. They do all seem to be getting very repetitive.
The Graham Effect by Elle Kennedy

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3.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️/5
Format: audiobook
Narration: 🎤🎤🎤.5/5

I keep telling myself I’m done with Elle Kennedy but I come back for more anyway. I will say that this book had me hook, line, and sinker… up until that marriage. I’m sorry. It was so fucking weird that it ruined the last 10% of the book for me. Like what was that?

I did however love the relationship Wellsy had with Ryder. I’ve always loved Hannah and it was nice to have her presence back as a wife and mother. It was also heartwarming seeing old characters now with children and still happily with their partners. I nearly squealed when Dean came back. And he has a son named Beau, I almost sobbed.

I really loved the main characters. Gigi is fierce and independent, nothing surprising being the child of Garrett and Hannah Graham. The storyline of Gigi trying to get out from under her dad’s shadow was also cute, and Ryder’s help with that. Their relationship was also very sweet. And we got an EK book without a miscommunication trope! If only there wasn’t a shotgun marriage trope to tip the scales again.

One of these days, Elle, I’m going to say I’m done and mean it. But not today.

As for the narration, it was just okay. Beckett’s Australian accent was used only like 50% of the time, it would randomly come back as an afterthought. Also the male narrator doing the FMC’s voice was very cringey, like nails on a chalkboard.
God of Fury by Rina Kent

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Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️(+🌶️ because them narrators with their breathy moans and sighs? Ugh.)/5
Format: ebook/audiobook
Narration: ♾️/5

“Please let me hold you like this. It doesn’t hurt when you touch me.”

4/4/24: Updating yet again (for the last time) after reading the rest of the series and rereading. I’m glad I have more background on Nikolai and Brandon, and it was beautiful seeing little snippets of their relationship and it all coming together in God of Fury. 

I still maintain that this is a satisfactory standalone book. There were a few things I was confused about during my first read, like the rivalry between the Heathens and the Elites and all the characters and their relationships. I like now having the context of all that, but the love story still stood well on its own without it. 

Niko and Bran will always be my favorites, but I now have a huge crush on Landon and Jeremy too. 

I continue to be so sad we’re not getting a Gareth book and I will cross my fingers for a novella for him and Kayden one day. Why would Rina Kent dangle that carrot if she wasn’t going to feed us?

This is my last official reread that I will be tracking on Goodreads, but I’ll probably reread this book a hundred more times in my life. Legacy of Gods is one of my top 5 favorite series, but God of Fury is my #1 all-time favorite book. I will never, ever move on from NikoBran.

2/29/24: Updating again after finishing the audiobook. Holy mother of all things… The book was already 5 stars but WITH those voice actors? Literally the hottest combination of the two hottest things in the entire world. I am sweating, I am giggling, I think I’m dead? Hahaha well let me go enjoy heaven again. 

What is this review? It’s a mess. Like my head after that freaking audiobook.

2/27/24: Updating review to 5 stars because I can’t get this book or these characters out of my head and I’ve never had a bigger book hangover in my life so to hell with the things I found fault with before.
#NikoBran forever

2/16/24: Original rating: 4.8 ⭐️

Okay, I’ll be honest, this isn’t going to be a super in-depth philosophical review. I am here just for the vibes, baby.

It took me three tries to really get into this book. Again, I was looking way too far into it instead of just feeling the feels. And when I felt the feels, I. Felt. The. Feels. I can’t give you one single emotion I didn’t experience while reading this. I laughed, I cringed, I felt nauseous, I fucking sobbed. This gave me Red, White & Royal Blue vibes but instead of a First Son and a prince, it was a mafia heir and a Prince Charming. And like 1000 times darker. But I felt the same feelings throughout both books.

I wish I could give this five stars, because it definitely gave five star emotions, but there were just a bunch of issues I couldn’t get past. I will say that I haven’t read any of the previous books in the series, but since it’s classified as a standalone, you shouldn’t have to read them to understand certain things. Like I didn’t get the whole Nikolai/Landon drama. Or really anything to do with the tension between the Heathens and the Elites. It was just confusing. And there were so many side characters that my brain was constantly spiraling at the huge influx of names and trying to remember whose side they were on and who they were dating and their role in the story.

But I’m going to ignore all that because Bran and Niko cut into my chest, tore out my heart, sucker punched it and returned it with a little smiley face and lotus flower and my life is both worse and so much better for having read this book. I will think about it for the rest of my life probably.
Where's Molly by H.D. Carlton

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1.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️.5/5
Format: ebook

This was, frankly, terrible.

I hated this for the same reason I hated the second book in the Cat and Mouse duet. Molly is a girl buried alive under decades of trauma, only for a man to take it upon himself to “fix” her. There is no reason a sexually abused woman cannot take back her sexuality, but Cage and book 2 Zade went about it in the wrong way completely.

Molly went to Cage for help. She needed to disappear. That was his job, what Legion intended for when he sent Molly to him. Cage decided he didn’t care about her very obvious discomfort and booked up all the nearby hotels so she was forced to stay with him. Even though Molly wanted to have sex with him that night, when she became anxious, he literally said to her, “You’ve survived much worse.” Like, 1) You’re admitting you know this poor girl has been through hell and you’re taking advantage of her, and 2) What does it matter if she’s been through worse? She’s still allowed to be scared of “less worse” experiences.

Then years later when they encounter each other again, he proceeds to disrespect every single one of her boundaries (which he had actually told her their first night together he wouldn’t do). He was constantly making her uncomfortable, scaring her, physically fighting and restraining her, and initiating sex on more than one occasion after she told him to stop. She naturally asked Legion to tell him to hit the road just for him to stalk her, physically overtake her again and threaten her if she tried to “run away” again. He’s literally the worst book “boyfriend” (I gag even using that word for him) I’ve ever read.

Literally the only things that made this read a 1.5 star instead of 1 were the relationship between Molly and Layla, and being able to see Rio and Zade again, and even a tiny mention of Adeline.
A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn

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4.7 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5/5
Format: ebook

I honestly cannot believe how much I loved this book. I don’t usually like the friends to lovers trope, but this story was really cute. Shocking, because I almost DNF’d a few pages in over Wincest (if you know, you know). And even though there were a lot of cringey moments, it’s not a MQ book without them, I found myself laughing out loud a lot and at one point even sobbing from a really sad scene. Romcom books don’t usually make me cry but there were a lot of sad and touching moments.

Ophelia/Lia was a really great FMC. She started out kind of being a pushover but about halfway through she really started building up her confidence and standing up for herself. Breaker was absolutely amazing. Him pining for his best friend for ten years and not realizing until he caught her in a wedding dress? Swoon. No seriously, that whole dressing room scene had me in tears. I loved their relationship, and especially more when they realized their non-platonic feelings for each other.

The spice was insane too. I wish there was more but this was very slow-burn so it didn’t come in until the end, but the mouth on Breaker had me sweating. He and Halsey Holmes (Vancouver Agitators) have the dirtiest mouths even though they seem like the sweetest, gentlest men. Sheesh.
For the Fans by Nyla K.

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5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Format: ebook & audiobook
Narration: 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤/5

“I link my fingers with his, holding his hand again, to let him know we’re in this now. No matter what happens… it’s us. Kyran and Avi… we’re real now.”

3/5/24: Updating after finishing the audiobook. The story was even better the second time around, and the narrators chosen were literally perfect. Could not imagine better voice actors to emulate Avi and Kyran. This certainly won’t be my last reread.


2/20/24: Hi, I’m here writing this at 73% because I already know this is going to be a five star read and one of the best books I’ve ever read, and definitely the best MM I’ve ever read. I’ve been reading this for 12 hours straight and still have four hours left but I already know this story will not be long enough for me. I know a lot of people say it’s too long but to them I say, NAY.

Okay, now I’m finished, and it definitely wasn’t long enough. God, this book was everything. I will admit I was a stupid idiot and originally DNF’d it at like 5% because I thought Kyran hating Avi for no reason was stupid and I also couldn’t deal with the double punctuation marks everywhere like “??” and “?!” To be fair, I was in a book slump after The Ravenhood series and was being overly critical of everything. But I came back and I’m so glad I did.

Kyran, my baby boy. Ugh, I just loved him. I know he was a dick to Avi in the beginning but he was just hurting so bad you could feel it. He just wanted and deserved to be loved. And Avi, oh I could cry. Literally perfect. He was so good to Kyran, and really everyone. He was constantly shit on but he never let it get to him and he always had an open heart and forgave Kyran every time he ran.

Jesus, the spice in this book. I almost feel scandalized, in the best way. I’ve never read a book with so much smut. Like, ever. But even though it’s very spicy, it never took away from the plot. It was actually very essential to the plot because they got closer and closer each time.

Again, you will never hear me complaining about the length of this book because it. was. not. long. enough. I love that we got to see every interaction they had. There was no fade to black or any summarizing their time together. We were there for each moment. Each time they got closer. I feel like I slowly fell in love with each of them myself because I was there for it all. Oh my god, I’m emotional.

Also want to shout out Kyran getting drafter by the PHILADELPHIA FUCKING EAGLES! My goddamn team. And they moved to Philly and ate at one of my favorite doughnut shops. And there were mentions of Nick Sirianni and Jalen Hurts. I was totally fangirling at the end.

This will not be my last read. I intend to get the audiobook and relive this story over and over. These boys are everything to me.

(P.S. Excuse all my notes and highlights. I literally would’ve highlighted the entire book because every word was beautiful.)
Iced Out by CE Ricci

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4.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Format: ebook

“I’m struggling to hold on to the reason why we were even enemies in the first place.”

My three favorite things in one book: MM, hockey romance, and enemies to lovers. I legit absorbed this, I couldn’t put it down. 

What I really loved about this story was there was no gay panic. Maybe that makes it a tad unrealistic, I don’t know, but I appreciated the absence of it for once. I also loved the slow progression of enemies to friends to lovers. It’s not something I usually like but it really worked for them. This book had me giggling and kicking my feet more than any book I’ve read recently. They were just so cute together.

I will admit I was worried when we were only 17% in and Quinton was already on his knees. Literally, and probably a little figuratively too. I was scared there wouldn’t be any angst if it was moving that fast but thankfully it didn’t go the direction I was worried it would. There was plenty of beautiful, wonderful groveling.

I really just can’t get past the name Oakley. And definitely not the nickname Oak. That was brutal. Sorry to any Oakleys out there, but I just kept picturing a tree. 

One of my favorite parts of hockey romances is seeing the dynamic between teammates, but there wasn’t a lot of it in this book. They only interacted with maybe three other people on the team. Quinn started off with a sophomore who was supposed to be his “Little” and then was never mentioned again, which was a bummer. That would’ve been a cute plot line. And for all of Oakley’s worries over his friends finding out about Quinton, they really didn’t have a reaction to it. Like at all. I expected a touch more drama. And Quinn never really even discussed anything with his childhood best friend about Oakley.

The sock proposal at the end though? Just cut my heart out with a rusty spoon and stomp on it. That was both the cringiest and cutest thing ever. God, I really loved these idiots.
God of Malice by Rina Kent

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3.5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5/5
Format: ebook

I’m going to preface this by saying I am really only reading the other books in this series for more background about Bran and Niko. I can’t move on from God of Fury and I wanted to get their entire history.

I tried to read God of Malice maybe 20 times before I finally got through the first few chapters. I really was not vibing with Killian at first, not even from God of Fury. I also almost didn’t read GoF because I tried reading GoM first and initially DNF’d, so I was a little petty towards Kill and Glyn.

I still maintain that it’s not one of my favorite stories, but they did grow on me. There were quite a few times Killian had me giggling and kicking my feet. But I still don’t fully vibe with their meeting and the first few times they were together sexually. Bran told Grace to stop, and Glyn also very clearly told Kill the same. But I digress. Also Glyndon drove me nuts like 75% of this book, but she also drove me nuts in GoF so I wasn’t surprised.

Besides Nikolai and Brandon, a special shoutout to the other star of this book: Gareth. If he doesn’t get at least a novella, there will be tears and murder plots. I love him so much.

Overall, this book was just okay. I got the background I wanted and had some fun doing it. I don’t have much hope for Creighton and Annika’s story but we shall see…
God of Pain by Rina Kent

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1 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Format: ebook

Things I liked about this book: Brandon, Nikolai, NikoBran, Eli, Remi, Gareth.

Things I hated about this book: Creighton, Annika, Creighton and Annika

Wow. My love for Niko and Bran is staggering because there is no other way I could’ve forced myself to read all that otherwise. That would’ve been an easy DNF before 30%.

First of all, there is no reason Anni and Creigh should’ve ever became a couple. They had no chemistry, nothing in common, no buildup. I still don’t know why they started dating and I definitely don’t understand why they stayed together. Annika shooting Creighton was probably the most intelligent thing she did the entire book, but she didn’t even do it right.

This book contained some of the worst things my eyes ever had to witness. The pet name. Annika saying Tchaikovsky every 5 seconds. The cringey, watered-down 50 Shades style of “BDSM”. Creighton being jealous of his friends, a cat, a dead composer. Anni telling Creigh she peed herself when she squirt. Yeah, I had to put down the book and think about my life for a bit over that. Also let’s talk about the fact that Annika was 17 and Creigh was 20 at the beginning of the book. Ick.

That one star is for NikoBran. None for you, Annika, and negative stars for you, Cretin (which is what I called him in my head the entire time). Jeremy Volkov, give me strength during this next book.
God of Ruin by Rina Kent

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5 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5/5
Format: ebook

“My beast roars to life as if it was never dormant.
This is what Mia has that no one else does. She's not prey to my beast, she's its match.
The yin to his yang.
The crazy to his insanity.”

I told myself going into this book that I could never give Landon King five stars. In classic Landon fashion, he had to prove me wrong and make me grovel. He still said some very rude things about my babies Bran and Niko but I guess he made up for it in other ways.

Who would’ve thought Landon would be a doting boyfriend? Not me, and definitely not any other character in this series. But he is! He picked up on Mia’s cues and quirks so quickly and was always trying to make her comfortable. From never letting her be stuck in the dark to getting her plant seeds so she could enjoy a hobby at their haunted house. Plus learning sign language and getting lessons in empathy from his brother? So sweet.

Also I loved how he connected with his siblings towards the end, especially Bran. It just reaffirmed everything he told Brandon in God of Fury at the hospital. I hope we see their relationship in a better place in God of War.

And Mia! I thought Cecily was my #1 girl but Mia is such a badass. If anyone could handle Landon, it could only be Mia. She’s literally a female Nikolai. And I loved her friendship with Brandon so much. I think it was one of the strongest in the series, especially given how short of a time they knew each other. Brandon was there for her in so many ways and their texts were so cute.

Also the NikoBran was *chef’s kiss* in this book. I can’t believe I read four books just for more background on them. It’s just a bonus I fell in love with (most of) them. Can’t wait to go reread God of Fury for the 100th time and have all these puzzle pieces finally come together.

I hate to say it, but Landon might’ve kicked Jeremy out of my #2 spot. My final score (until God of War comes out) goes: Nikolai/Brandon > Landon > Jeremy > Eli > Gareth > Killian > Remi > Creighton