naaytaashreads's reviews
1417 reviews

Love Redesigned by Lauren Asher

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“Turns out I’d rather build a home with you than a thousand houses by myself.”

This was cute, very cute.
I am torn between giving it a 3-star or a 4-star. I'll settle with a 3.5 star.
I really think that the plotline was very straightforward and very, very predictable.
There is nothing wrong with it, but some people might feel that it was meh and didn't give us a special feeling when we read it.

I feel like in the beginning, when Dahlia told about the trouble she's experiencing, and Julian is figuring out what he don't want or his decision about something.
It feels like we already got the answer, and it was quite obvious they were a perfect match, and the problem would be solved immediately.
Then, it was just a matter of how the romance would go. 

It felt like we were reading more of the fillers of their storyline.
I enjoyed the lovely romance of their love in their activities, houses, childhood, and past, which brought out their chemistry.

It was nice how Lauren gave us a glimpse of a crossover of her other series.
While it wasn't a wow romance to me, and I wasn't as swoon over it.
The read was a nice quick romance.

“Experiencing Julian’s love for a moment is far better than me spending a lifetime without it, wondering what might have happened had I given him a chance.”
A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber

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“I'm broken. I like to break things. Sometimes I want to break you."

I am heartbroken that this is the end of the series.
Is it, though? Will we get a new series with that ending?

I think the second book of the series was just so damn good; it set a high expectation for how we are going to close this series.
While I did enjoy A Curse For True Love, I wasn't satisfied with how it ended.
There were a few bits here and there that I still need answers to.

However, the writing, the world, and the characters were still whimsical, fairytale-like, and the same things I had fallen in love with since the beginning. 

I love all the different POVs we have.
Especially Jacks. We definitely see a different side of him and his story.
The last 100 pages got me crying here and there.

The last line definitely got me excited.
Now I need to recover from my heart. 

“I’m actually a little afraid I’m going to lose. I no longer think love is a guarantee of victory or of happily ever after. But I think it’s a reason to fight for those things. I know my attempt to save Jacks could end in a fiery explosion, but I’d rather go up in flames with him than watch while he burns.”
Throne of the Fallen by Kerri Maniscalco

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“Touch her'- his voice was laced with malice, even as it faded to a mere whisper- 'and I'll annihilate you all.”

You know, when you're in love with someone or something and can't explain why you love it? That's how I feel about Throne of the Fallen.

I've heard good reviews on it, but I didn't expect for me to fall in love with it the way I did.
The plotline wasn't a slow burn because it never stops, but the pace of the read was excellent; you enjoy every scene with every character, even with the side characters.

There was a good balance of action, romance, friendship, and side characters, and we see the character development and storyline of Envy and Camilla in their world and journey.

The secrecy of the secrets they kept against each other, the game they were playing and how they were essential to each other for the game and each other.

I want more of their world and a story for each side character.
How all of them complement each other and the world.

Camilla and Envy are just perfectly imperfect for each other, and they have their flaws and strengths. Together, they are such a powerful couple.

If we can make this couple have their series, I am all for it.
I will do anything. I want more of Blade, Wolf and every single side character!

I can't wait to read the next book!

"She had read enough fairy tales as a young girl to know that the prince was supposed to wake the love of his life with a kiss. But Envy was a demon, and Camilla was no damsel in distress. She pressed her lips to his forehead."
Powerless by Elsie Silver

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“Don’t you get it, Jas? I’ve seen all the darkest parts of you and I’m still here. I still want more. Stop trying to scare me away. It isn’t going to work.”

This was so-so for me.
Unfortunately, I don't know what it was, but ... I was bored.
Mainly, in the middle of the plotline, I was just bored.

This was way too predictable, and it was honestly an easy romance.
We're just waiting for one of them to confess.

I do enjoy reading Jas's storyline.
How his struggle, trauma and how all the other side lines affects him in general that he takes on with his own personal life and the people he love. 

Near the end, I was more excited for the next couple in the next book of the series.
Overall, it was not bad but not my top favourite. 

“It’s like she and I are tethered together, but she’s the strong one. The pillar. And when troubled waters wash me downstream, all I have to do is follow the rope that ties me back to her. It always leads me back to her.”

Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh

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dark emotional funny informative reflective sad tense medium-paced


“I can take you home when you have to go?
What the actual fuck?
I might as well have shouted, love me, fucking love me at the girl.
I felt like a bleeding eejit.”

Wow, I am surprised I finished the book in two days.
The size of it intimidates me, and I am not going to lie.
It's a huge book, and before I started it, I heard it was a slow burn.

But it wasn't really a slow burn.
Sure, the characters' plotlines and storylines were lengthy, and I enjoyed it.
The story and flow seem more natural and genuine with the friendship bonds and feelings and slowly learning of their character and story.

I enjoyed the balance of the 2 POVs, with the involvement of their friends, families and, of course, "villains."
Over time, while we see the friendship bond between Johnny and Shannon, we then learn of their struggles in their own life.
It's hard to read on some of them (please read trigger warnings), but it was an important topic to speak and read up on.

The ending definitely broke me, and I am nervous and excited to continue the read. 

“I just wanted her. For keeps.”

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The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber

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“Sorry to break your fairytale, Little Fox, but ballads don't end happily, and neither do the two of us.”

This was OMG.
I was utterly speechless with the last 50 pages.
The plot twist and betrayal I cannot.

Stephanie Garber surprises us with every single book she releases.
I love that The Ballad of Never After focuses on the mystery of what happened.
Together with Evangeline, we were trying to find out what we needed to find out about the world and its secrets.
We were on our own figuring out who we could trust, what was real and what came next.

The character development of Evangeline was such a smooth transition, with every page turned. 
Compared To the first and second books, we see maturity in Evangeline.
On her discovery of the true meaning of happily ever after and love.
She is not perfect, but her discovery in her journey makes me so happy.

I can't trust anybody right now.
I honestly don't know how this will end.
I thought my theories were correct at the beginning of The Ballad of Never After, but it all changed.

I'm more scared and nervous for the third book now.

“As you know, dragons like hoarding treasures, and I've always liked wearing sparkling things, and that was why he found me. He was flying in his dragon form, and he plucked me from the ground, thinking I was treasure.”

Wretched by Emily McIntire

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“Bricks are meant for paths,  Yet somehow we’re always still.  If there’s nothing for us in the now,  Then I know there never will.  You belong up here in the light,  and me, in poppies down below.  Maybe one day we’ll meet again,  On the other side of a rainbow.”

To me, this was surprisingly so good, I didn't expect it.

This plotline definitely has more action, thriller, dark themes and really more focus on the villain aspect of the characters.
I flew through the read because it was so good, and I just needed answers to everything.

However, while i did enjoy the read, something was definitely missing.
Emily really took time with the depth of the plotline - we get the meat of the storyline, but the end wrapped up too quickly.

When the "betrayal" happened, I wished we had got to see more of the shock, redemption, grovelling and the individual's plan to get out of the situation.
The ending felt too rushed.

It's a mix feeling of getting to see the end - the good thing is we know their story have yet to end but at the same time I didn't get the satisfaction of what they both deserved for their romance which could have a few more chapters. 

“You don’t have to trust me, Evelina. But words are your safe space, the same way that they’re mine.” My fingers thread through his hair. “Let me be your calm in the chaos, pretty girl.”

King of Greed by Ana Huang

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“You can go on as many dates as you want, amor … But no one will love you like I do. Voce e eu. Nao tem comparacao (You and I. There is no comparison).”

Hmmm, this was seriously disappointing.
Where is the angst? The groveling? The redemption story of the second chance romance.
I didn't feel the satisfaction of the story.

Sure, romances are predictable, but this was too predictable kind of way where you're like, 'Ahhh, they will work it out.'
I didn't feel the chemistry or the history that they had.
The beginning started so fast - it felt like we were in a rush to get them the divorce so that we could get to the second chance plotline.

The way Dom grovels - it felt like, okay, we're ticking off the list of his mistakes and what he needs to do; once he ticks them off, TADA HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
It was really disappointing. 

“I’m asking you one last time,” I said quietly. Blood roared in my ears, nearly drowning out my words. “Where is my wife?”

King of Pride by Ana Huang

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“I remember everything when it comes to you.”

This was such a cute, simple butterfly romance.
Don't get me wrong, we still get a spicy time.
But, I think compared to the first book, this was a really simple plotline that we follow through.

We follow Isa and Kai in their own world - having to feel like they need to prove their success to others and their family.
Between those times, they found each other, let loose and find the simplicity of it.

Kai is such a sweetheart but definitely a daddy in the sheets.
Isabella is such a fun, sweet and funny character.
I easily want to be her friend.
I really enjoyed following her coming up with the story of who she wants to be.

The climax and peak of the story were predictable, but it wrapped up sweetly.
It's a nice, sweet, smutty romance.

“I’m never going to stop being me, Kai, and I don’t want you to stop being you. So how can we be together when we belong to separate worlds?”

“By building one of our own,” I said simply.”