naaytaashreads's reviews
1417 reviews

Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

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“How I love to lose to you. How I love to read your words and hear the thoughts that sharpen your mind. And how I would love to be on my knees before you now, surrendering to you and you alone.”

I can't believe we have ended with Letters of Enchantment series.
As the first one, the writing of Ruthless Vows has been so poetic and gorgeous.

The sweet, slow pace of the story truly brings magic to the world.
The two POVs of Roman and Iris are about what they are going through and how they will fight in this world.

Truly, their strength is their writing and words.
The same way they fell in love in the first book was the true testament of how they got through it in the second one.

The only downside I have is when the first book ended on a cliff hanger. It felt like that issue was addressed that much.
It was an elephant in a room that we didn't talk about.

“Let me be your secret, then. Tuck my words into your pocket. Let them be your armor.”

Flawless by Elsie Silver

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“You were out there this whole time, and now I know you exist, and I can never go back. Wouldn’t want to if I could.”

I don't want to blame you for all the hype it got, but I didn't enjoy this read as much as I thought I would, unfortunately.
It was easy, simple writing and plotline, but it didn't give me the butterflies that I wanted.

Although, you best believe I want to read more cowboy romance. 
The plotline goes on smoothly, and it has a good pacing.
We have two good POVs between Rhett and Summer.

The chemistry was definitely not forced; we see the bond and the cute banter.
However, I feel like nothing goes in depth to their storyline.
Everything was vaguely generalised in what they go through - a quick touch and go. 
The things they go through are realistic and relatable and definitely can't be solved in one book, but the touch and go of that plotline didn't give me the satisfaction of a happily ever after.

Maybe I'm thinking too much because of the hype, but I say it was not bad; I hope it gets good in the next few series. I definitely want to read more of her work. 

“I love your freckles,” he murmurs from behind me, the pad of his finger tracing lines across the expanse of my back. “They remind me of all the constellations. Like I could draw lines between them, and pictures would appear.”
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon

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"May your soul find shelter in the willows until all lands sink beneath the Eversea and we meet again."

I finally picked The Hurricane Wars after hearing all the good reads. 
It's been a while since I last read a fantasy read that flew by without a second.

Thea Guanzon's writing was simple and easy.
There was a lot of time skip for this read, which was surprising.
I think after a while of reading the book and understanding the plotline, it was definitely more focused on being a romance fantasy read.

Thea actually did a good one, in the plotline now that i know it's a romance fantasy.
The focus is the chemistry of our two main characters.
The unknown tension of what is going on and what will happen.

"Seeing her smile up at him for the first time was like taking a crossbow bolt to the chest. Her brown eyes crinkled at the corners and sunlight danced off the curve of her pink lips, casting her freckled cheeks in a warm glow."
Wildfire by Hannah Grace

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“I’m watching you go in so you don’t have to watch me leave.”

I don't think words can explain my love with this read.
I knew from reading Icebreaking, I instantly fell in love with Hannah Grace's writing.

She is a genius in telling romance. I love that her works do not just focus on the love plotline but also the plotline of the individual main characters and what they are going through.

It's a really simple romance plotline, but it holds so much depth that it makes your heart tug because of their stories.
The things Aurora and Russ go through are so relatable and realistic.
It's not a perfect happy ending, but it gives hope to the main character and readers. 

Not only was the main character's chapter perfect, but the scenes with the side characters were so funny and cute. 
I love Xander, a guy best friend I need and I love reading a book on his journey because he deserves so much.

I can't wait to see where this series goes. I don't mind reading endless romance book of the Maple Hill's characters.

“She’s trying to tell you to follow her to the bathroom. Probably for sex, I don’t know.” He looks to her. “Sex?” She nods. “Probably.”
Does It Hurt? by H.D. Carlton

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I think we all heard it before, or we were warned before, truly H.D. Carlton’s books are really not for everyone. And it’s okay if it’s not for you. I love H.D. Carlton’s work. She is one of the queen of dark romance, that really gets you at the edge of your seat. I have read Haunting Adeline’s series, and thought I would be prepared for what she was going to give us in Does It Hurt? Oh no I was wrong. I was still shocked with the plot twist, the dark romance and how amazing she has written her stories. I love that her writing doesn’t only emphasize her dark romance, but how she puts in different elements of stories to make the stories shine and the plotline an addiction in every page. Does It Hurt was truly a page thriller, that gets me so nervous yet excited on what to expect. The plot twist gave me goosebumps and I couldn’t slow down my heart beat. Truly another amazing work, I am so excited for her next work!
Please read the trigger warning of this book - mentions of rape, suicide, pedophilia, PTSD, depression,violece and more. Have you read Does It hurt?

Pretty Dark Vows by Callie Rose

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“You belong to us now, and Reapers take care of what’s ours.”
I never love comparing books because every book deserves love and time to shine. And sometimes, comparison can be in a good way, like what I’m about to say. I have been looking for a read similar to Den Of Vipers. And this book Pretty Dark Vows is it. I have always loved Callie Rose's books; she writes the best dark, bad-boy romances. This is the series' first book, a reverse harem, bad boys, and so much tension. It ends on a cliffhanger that stops me from breathing. 
I want to dive into a binge-read of the series. I know if I start, I won’t stop. At the same time, I don’t want it to end too fast, so I’m giving myself a week before I start the second read!

Abel by Katee Robert

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"Because you want to be a queen, Harlow. And I'm your ticket to the throne."

I'm confused if I like this or not.
It was interesting enough to keep me addicted, but sometimes the plotline doesn't make sense.

I enjoyed it for pure entertainment.
Will I want to continue the series, sure why not?
Bound by Jayla Talbot

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“Okay, sole mio.” I grasped her hand before she could walk away. Bringing her wedding ring to my lips, I kissed it. She might not know what it meant, but my men did. They kissed my ring in a sign of respect. In a show of power. And now I kissed hers."

I love when the guy falls first and harder.
I wanted a little more show of the romance but it was still satisfactory.
I just want more at this point.

Detached by Jayla Talbot

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"I’d made my decision; I’d chosen love. I’d chosen blood, so I’d spilled his to keep my sister safe."

This was a short read but it was so good.
Of course it was instant love, but it was pure goodness of entertainment.