persephones_daughter's reviews
525 reviews

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

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 this book is the embodiment of screaming, crying, throwing up but like in the most literal sense of the words.

maybe i'll write a proper review when this book will stop haunting meand destroying my heart (which i don't think will happen any time soon tbh) but for now, the only thing i want to do is to cut Strane's genitals off and feed it to the dogs 
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Inspiring Young Changemakers by Rebel Girls

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  I bought a copy of the first one in the series for my younger sister and she DEVOURED it. she’s basically obsessed with it now so you already know i couldn’t resist checking this one out too, especially because this one features younger girls and women. Now what did i think of it ? Well it was pretty enjoyable to say the least !

The illustrations are gorgeous as per usual and the colors are always so vibrant i think it really suits the whole idea that this book wants to convey, which is to put it simply: express yourself in the way that you want and don’t be afraid to follow your passion no matter what other people might think of you.

I think it’s an extremely important thing to remind children of, especially young girls because we’re taught from a fairly young age that the only way we could be taken seriously is by toning down our femininity (but without doing it too much of course because God forbid a woman acts too “masculine” I mean where is the world going ? 🙄) So reminding them that you can choose to express yourself in whatever way you want and that it won’t necessarily impact negatively your future life was pretty refreshing !

[personal story : when i had to buy my stethoscope earlier this year, the first thing that i told myself was that there was no way i’d take a colorful one (*especially not a pink one*) and you know why ? because i thought - and that might be partially true - that getting a colorful one would make me seen as less professional and i didn’t want that because me being a woman was already disadvantageous enough 🙃 so you can imagine how impactful this message could be for so many little girls]

the concise biography format is pretty enjoyable but i wish it wasn’t so factual : it’s really easy to lose interest with all the dates and institutions (that younger people might not even have heard of) listed, and even though the book is made to be read like a bedtime story, so maybe one or two per day, i still think that it turned out to be almost boring at times.

i’d still recommend it and i think it would make an amazing educational but still pretty entertaining gift :)

Thank you very much to Netgalley for this ARC ! 
Time Is a Mother by Ocean Vuong

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 "I can say it was gorgeous now, my harm, because it belonged to no one else"

i hate you Ocean Vuong (in the most loving and admiring way possible), i hate you for always making me ugly cry and for always ripping my heart out but most importantly, i hate you for writing lines so tender and soft in the middle of absolutely heart-wrenching poems because that was the straw that broke the camels back and by camels back i mean my mental stability.

━━━━━━━━━━ ☂ ━━━━━━━━━

if Ocean Vuong wrote it, I will read it, no questions asked. 
Tamen De Gushi by Tan Jiu

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 sleeping on the highway tonight <3
when is it my turn to be happy ?? 😭 
Ton corps t'appartient by Lucía Serrano

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 "Ton corps t'appartient" est un ouvrage illustré à destination des jeunes enfants et a pour but de les sensibiliser aux questions de consentement et de respect de l'intimité que ce soit la leur ou celle des personnes qui les entourent. 
Les illustrations très claires et les termes anatomiquement corrects utilisés permettent de démystifier les "parties intimes" sans pour autant tomber dans quelque chose d'inapproprié ou de vulgaire, ce qui serait profondément problématique étant donné le public auquel cet ouvrage est destiné ! 
C'est une lecture rapide, très instructive et qui est plus que nécessaire ! Je recommande ce livre à 200% :) 
Merci NetGalleyFrance et Crackboom! pour cet ARC 
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 33%.
 if i wanted to hear the inner monologue of a whiny, dramatic and self-indulgent old man i would have asked literally any men in my family thank you very much. 
Les sorcières dans la littérature by Various

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 once again, just women being girlbosses and men not being able to handle it 🙄 what's new ? 
Ariel by Sylvia Plath

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 you may only address me as sylvia plath’s personal whore as of now 
Dancing With Danger by Kerrigan Byrne

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 if i were to choose between women's rights and being able to spend one night with Raphael, i'm sorry ladies but we would all be in the kitchen by now 😔