This was an excellent collection from a variety of ethnic backgrounds as well as industries and experiences. The collection features so many perspectives from amazing artists and writers as well as those from other professions. These experiences, while at times heartbreaking, are so inspiring, educational and beautiful. There is a mourning for what has been lost and a strength and hope for what is and can be.
Disclosure: I received a free ARC of this collection. No review was required and all opinions are my own.
I think this is a great intro into Mafia romance. I have been looking for diverse mafia romance and this definitely fit the bill. I liked the pacing of the story and the reveals/twists. This was a good start in the genre for me.
I struggle to rate a book like this. It definitely kept me engaged (I read it in less than a day) but I also found it overdramatic and nonsensical in some ways. It feels like watching a soap opera where everyone is terrible? It hinges on the premise that these rich kids families are so powerful they can do anything in broad daylight like kidnap kids from school in front of everyone. It seemed like a really interesting underlying premise but the choices were so unbelievable it took any emotional depth out of the story.
Like it’s not a bad experience but I’m not sure where I fall. I found it more engaging than the last book I read by them so I rated it 3.5 instead of 3 but it’s pretty middle of the road for me.
This is a fun and comedic bizarre sci-fi horror. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in but I was pleasantly surprised. A rag-tag team takes on an evil scientist and his phantom limb monster. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and neither did I.
I loved this overall. Lots of great knowledge in a small package. My only complaint was a few spots where I could not tell what order words were in or where quotes were attributed because of the art style.
This book felt like it was moving so slow for me. The practice dates were a fun idea but got repetitive quickly. The premise of the house gift made no sense. There was sexual chemistry between the two but didn’t seem to have any depth to the connection/romance. A lot of this book felt like filler and wasn’t really moving the plot forward.
I loved the last book I read from this author so I will give her books another try. This one was not for me.
Probably my least favorite in the series so far. Because it was childhood friends to lovers, the story heavily leaned on their history and put us into a connection that was already there rather than giving us the opportunity to see them connect and grow together. A lot of the events were a bit to unbelievable for my taste.
I enjoyed the mystery but it felt repetitive after a while. As someone that loves this author’s blend of supernatural and mystery, this book felt like 95% mystery with a splash of supernatural. I loved the mystery itself and thought it was presented well just wanted them to stop describing driving up and down that road so many times haha.
This book was dark and unsettling in such a hidden way. The writing is so light and flowery which makes the dark moments stand out in such a striking way. You just feel that something is off but you can't tell exactly what. It has a tinge of mystery but the real horror is seeing how wanting to love and be loved can take you to such extremes. That ending HIT HARD.
Disclaimer: I received a free gifted paperback edition from the publisher. A review was not required and all thoughts are my own.