snowbenton's reviews
3354 reviews

Frostbite: A Werewolf Tale by David Wellington

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Just one single plot throughout, was pretty bored with the audio until the reveal at 40% that
Cheyenne deliberately went out there to find the werewolf because he killed her dad
brought me back in and I stuck around to get to the end.
The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver by E. Lockhart

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I loved this as a teenager. As an adult, it's better than I expected, but definitely chock-full of that extreme cringe that only YA novels can possess. The therapist's advice was really valuable and I wish I had re-read this in my mid-twenties when I needed it before I learned all those lessons the hard way, but such is life.
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 41%.
Gave up at page 183 (41%) because I was bored.
Here Goes Nothing by Steve Toltz

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Had some really great lines but was actively unpleasant to read.
Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon

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It's just as twee as it sounds, but it's a heartwarming and even moderately inspirational read.
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

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No rating for this one because I found it so boring that I was just tuning in and out of the audiobook at various intervals because it could not hold my attention.
The Tower by Nicole Campbell

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Absolutely nothing happened until page 112 and what did happen wasn't enough to keep me reading.

Rose dies in a car accident and from what I can see from the rest of the reviews, it's just a sad book from that point on, and I'm not real interested in a book that is half fluff and half pathos
Undead Winter by T.M. Williams

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Poorly edited, gratuitously violent, plotless, and disjointed.

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Descent From Xanadu by Harold Robbins

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
This was so bad I gave up a third of the way through. I can only assume based on the text that Harold Robbins never met a woman. And if he did ever meet one, I can only offer them my condolences.

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