ravinarayanan's review

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There are 12 translated stories from each of the South Indian languages Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil & Telugu.
Kannada story by Veerabhadrappa is powerful. Nagaveni's story brings out the child's emotion. AK Ramanujan's story brings out the reality of the known and claims.
In Malayalam like Baheer's "Nose" - humorous and reflects the crowd behavior.
Tamil stories - all are good. However I did not like the translation of Ambai's story - I will agree that its is difficult to translate certain stories - a different story should have been chosen for translation.
Telugu story Rain is nice - might make you know you. Tattayya - by Kutumba Rao - brings out the rotten beliefs of the society. I am lucky that I haven't heard a lot of these in my surroundings where I was brought up.
These are translations of these two - "The Chair" by KI.Rajanarayanan and Veerabhadrappa's sweet dish are very nice. Others are okay.