
Ihre Obsession by K.A. Merikan

lucsbooks's review against another edition

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K. A. Merikan warned us that this book would be darker than the first one but sweet Jesus, this went further than I thought it would, maybe even further than any of the other books they wrote.
So let me start off by saying that I liked the balance between story and sex in this book a lot more. Clover still is in a polyamorous relationship but they spend more time actually talking than just going at it. There are still plenty of sex scenes, so you can relax.
By the time this book starts, the men have been in a relationship for a year so it allowed the characters to be a lot more comfortable with each other which I really enjoyed and doesn’t make the story feels as rushed.
I also love that we got more povs for the mercs other than Tank even if he is still the most predominant one and he is still a pain. Merikan for sure love Drake most of them all though because he always has a very special presence in the books. I just wished we could have seen more of Boar, our resident teddy bear but on the other hand, it was very fun to watch Pyro unravel into madness.
The only thing I enjoyed a bit less was the way Tank treated Clover. While the others have a very comfortable relationship with Clover where no one does anything the other doesn’t want to, Tank likes to hold power over him in a different way and it feels like Clover does not always know where he stands with him, with Tank making all the rules and controlling a lot of aspects in his life.
Also, points for how the first chapter was a direct contradiction of the darkest chapters in the book, adding a layer of foreshadowing that I only picked up later.
I’m seriously dying to read the next book and crying over the fact that is the last in the trilogy.
Thank you so much to the authors for this ARC.

rebecca_3's review against another edition

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I love how dark this book got and would enjoy seeing more of that, and the special attention that some characters got in this one. I look forward to hopefully getting to know them all more in book 3. I really love Clover and the story, and all the characters in their own way, but I don't think that harem books are for me. This is my first harem series and I just don't feel equally attached the the different pairings. I would be fine if this were just Clover and Drake. When Clover has special time with one of the others I enjoy it but as soon as they are out of the scene I forget about them again. I enjoy the scenes when they are all together the most.

I do usually love MMM and the occasional MMMM, but I guess the dynamics of a harem don't work for me. I keenly feel the lack of feelings between the other partners. That is just my preference I suppose, but it feels incomplete and keeps me from getting invested in the relationships that we are given. Drake and Clover are my favourite, and I enjoyed Tank more in book 1 but he was really annoying this one. I enjoy Pyro and Boar too but they can't really hold a candle to Drake. I need more of them in the next book. I will read anything by K.A. Merikan, but I am not going to be looking for more harem books aside from what they write.

I would like to thank the authors for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.

karentje's review against another edition

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Oh wow…. I was completely unprepared for this. I need book 3 ASAP! Clover and his lovers go through hell and I need to see them pick up the pieces and come out of all this healed and happy. Blissfully happy.

This was a phenomenal read! It starts out steamy and sweet, with several beautiful tender moments… but then the dark clouds start to gather and everything goes so incredibly dark for all the MC’s, though Drake, Clover and Pyro are put through the wringer the most. The writing was incredible, the emotions clear and intense and I just fell for these characters all over again, though it broke my heart to see the level of suffering they went through.

This was an amazing read, if not an easy one. I want me some happy tears in the follow-up.

omiai's review against another edition

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So I loved the first book in this series, but this might be even better!
There is some lovely character progression, you see more of clover's relationship with Drake (it previously focused more on Tank and the group as a whole), starting with them returning from a lovely week away learning all sorts of sexy new things that they have to show off to the other boys.
But things get dark when they take on a new job and discover that it's to do with Jerry, the man who sold Clover to a collector, before he escaped and wound up with the mercenaries.
The story gets very serious from here on, and very dark.
There are some touchy subjects in this book, but as always Merikan handle them with care, never glorifying any of the evil acts that occur. If you've read any of their books before, you'll be prepared for how dark they can get, if you haven't, well you've been warned.
I wouldn't start with this book as a lot of the story progression does require you to have read the first book (their bounty), so I really recommend you start there. You won't regret it!
The cliffhanger at the end will leave me clamouring for the next book, and I think you will probably find the same.

jazzmarie22's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional tense fast-paced


at this point, i'm just here to finish the series. i don't have too much to say about the book as a whole. it's definitely not bad or anything, just my usual read. it did leave it with a massive cliffhanger, so i'm ready for the next book cause i need this whole debacle to be resolved.

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cadiva's review against another edition

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Bloody Hell that was a headrush and it didn't go anywhere near where I was expecting it to. And it ends with a not quite cliffhanger but still a massive loose end!

It's impossible to go into the plot without spoiling it completely, all I will say is that is goes much darker than book one and things happen which will need a Herculean effort to put right.

There's a glorious opening which is insanely sexy and erotic before things definitely take a turn for the unexpected and the proverbial hits the fan at bullet train speed.

I have no clue how Kat and Agnes will pull this back from the brink but I cannot wait to find out how they do.

#ARC kindly received from the authors in return for an honest and unbiased review.