
Il cavaliere fantasma by Cornelia Funke

angie9910's review against another edition

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Definitivamente es un libro que recomendaría a todos los niños que conozco. A pesar de ser un libro infantil y tener ilustraciones compruebo una vez más que las historias de Cornelia nunca decepcionan. Mi escritora favorita y primer elección siempre.

yess's review against another edition

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Es una historia bonita para un niño o adolescente, pero no cometan mi error de leer el glosario antes de tiempo, que como es en su mayoría un listado de personajes históricos involucrados básicamente sabes lo que va a contar el libro antes de comenzar

trish204's review against another edition

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Ein wundervolles Kinder-/Jugendbuch mit sehr beeindruckenden Illustrationen, die man so nicht in vielen Büchern findet (nicht jeder Verlag kann/will sich so etwas leisten). Die Charaktere sind sehr real dargestellt, so dass man sofort in die Geschichte hinein findet. Ella mag ich natrlich am meisten, aber auch ihre Oma ist toll. Außerdem gibt es jede Menge Spannung und (was mir besonders gut gefallen hat) jede Menge historische Hintergründe, die Cornelia Funke da mit hat einfließen lassen! Ein rundum tolles Buch für jung und alt.

serendipity_viv's review against another edition

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Cornelia Funke is one of my favourite international children's authors...EVER! I have yet to read a book by this author that I haven't loved and Ghost Knight will sat happily on my book shelf next to the author's other books which I have loved.
This book is an excellent ghost story written for the 9 to 12 age bracket, set in the stunning surroundings of Salisbury; inspired after a visit to Salisbury Cathedral on a book tour. Considering that Cornelia does not live in England, her writing portrays the characters and the setting in such a way that you would think she had lived here for years. I am amazed by her talent as she seems to be the first international author to truly be able to recreate life in England within her stories.
The book is extremely well written, completely engaging and I was totally absorbed from beginning to end. It reminded me of the classic ghost stories I read as a child, such as The Children of Green Knowe and Moondial.
The main character Jon, is sent to boarding school and you instantly think of Harry Potter. Yet this boarding school is a little more realistic in appearance, yet it is filled with some rather gruesome ghosts rather than magic. The ghosts within the story are pretty scary, so I wouldn't recommend for the younger children, but definitely an ideal book for the 11 to 12 year olds as long as they don't frighten to easily. Jon's friend, Ella was based on a real person who is really sassy and stands no nonsense from anyone. She was definitely my favourite character within the story.
The author brings to life historical figures and I loved the way the plot centred around them, offering a little bit of history disguised in a thrilling tale. It made me desperate to explore Salisbury, especially Stonehenge and the Cathedral. The UK is filled to the brim with ghost stories that need to be told, so I am so pleased to find one as wonderful as this.
The illustrations in the book are stunning and helped to bring the story alive. I really would like to see more 9 to 12 books with illustrations, even in older books, the odd picture would be nice.
This is an ideal winter read for those cold, snowy nights - an excellent Christmas present for the older spookily enchanted child.

legendlewis's review against another edition

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amycbooks's review against another edition

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3 and 1/2 star

I thought this was a great children's book. Excellent writing, fun characters, great narrator. I liked that it was told from a boys perspective because so many children's and young adult literature is from a girls. I think any 10+ old boy would love this book. It is a little graphic for children's book and rather frightening in some parts so be aware of that if you are giving it to a child to read.

I feel that the story wrapped up to easily with not much in depth story development but for a children's book I think it was great.

evalii's review against another edition

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wunderbare Illustrationen und die einfach unvergleichliche Art eine Geschichte zu erzählen ♥

zipperbee's review against another edition

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The concept could've been really interesting, but the execution fell flat.

stevemcdede's review against another edition

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3rd grade daughter enjoyed it and so did I.

evamadera1's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would.

I started listening to this audiobook almost immediately after I finished Chime which made it difficult for me to like this book starting out. (The things that held me back were things like the narration - male vs. female - and time period - early 1900s vs. modern day.) Once I listened to this book for a little while I was able to start enjoying this book for its own merit.

I am a huge fan of the Inkheart trilogy (although I'm still upset about what Ms. Funke did to Farid and Meggie) and loved Reckless as well. At first I was disappointed that this book was set in the modern time period though this soon passed as Ms. Funke's brilliant word play became more obvious.

I also enjoyed the setting immensely simply because I had the opportunity to visit Salisbury (and Old Sarum) two years ago and could picture a lot of the landmarks Ms. Funke described.

One of the few things that I did not enjoy was some of Ms. Funke's descriptions of the ghosts (the main villain who's name escapes me at the moment) and the ghost battles, especially the climactic one. There was a bit of gratuitousness in the grossness.

In the end, this book exceeded my expectations which usually earns it four stars from me.