
Il cavaliere fantasma by Cornelia Funke

reviewsmayvary's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book very much. It's an adventure story for older children/ younger teens, though I think that there is much to love across the age range. A great choice for October, with a bit of tension and possibility to bad things happening but the forewarned knowledge that everything comes out okay in the end. The reader of the audiobook does a wonderful job of adding life and attitude to the characters. Funke is definitely one of my favorites.

pussreboots's review against another edition

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ithil's review against another edition

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Hace mucho tiempo, más de dos años, que compré esta novela y la he ido aplazando y aplazando hasta ahora, que pensé, ¿por qué no?

Me ha gustado, sobre todo al venir con ilustraciones. Creo que es uno de sus puntos fuertes ya que combinan muy bien con la historia, ayudan mucho con la ambientación y tienen un tono oscuro y macabro que le van genial con la temática.

Eso sí, tened en cuenta que es un middle grade, el protagonista es un niño y por consiguiente no esperéis otra cosa. La historia es "sencilla" pero a mi me ha gustado mucho, sobre todo como enfoca el tema de los fantasmas y sus peculiaridades. Los protagonistas son entrañables y me gusta que los personajes tengan muchos matices. No son para nada planos o simples.

Un libro muy tierno y una lectura muy amena que se lee en una tarde que tengáis libre.

gladys_enmarte's review against another edition

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It was good, but not great (sorry Cornelia

stefaniajoy's review against another edition

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I've always enjoyed Cornelia Funke, and this was no disappointment. Intriguing storyline, good characters, believable. I enjoyed the historic elements and Jon's friendship with Ella, and
his changing relationship with the Beard!
Zelda was a fun character, too.

beergeekgirl's review against another edition

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Charming. Charming. Charming.

Now I need to go and rectify the fact that I have not yet read The Thief Lord and that I never finished the Inkheart series.

Even in translation, Funke has an amazing gift with language. I have read books written in English that do not flow as well as hers do.

I also greatly appreciate the way she can layer a story. In the beginning, I thought this was simply going to be about being haunted by a vengeful ghost. And it turned out to be so much more: understanding friendship, finding one's place, finding one's courage, making peace with the world around you. The adults were just kooky enough to be enjoyable without being absurd.

Why I picked it up: As a 2013 Odyssey Honor book, it's part of the Best of the Best challenge.

Why I finished it: Funke's characters are charming and she weaves a multi-layered story so there's always something more to come.

I'd give this to: Caroline and Kayla, whom I think would enjoy the journey.

lizziepurpleserenity's review against another edition

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Read to end of ch 8 (p126 of 330)
I suppose I could sum this up by saying that the reasons I picked up the book (boarding school; murder mystery) turned out to not actually be present in the book. That wouldn't have been a problem mind you, if the story itself had engaged me, but sadly it didn't.

misssophiereads's review against another edition

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Such a great book! Lots of ghosts, adventures and historical references! If you like Knights, British cathedrals and ghost stories this is the book for you.

For some reason this book eluded me for a long time - I remember when it was published and I didn't feel like reading it at all, so I am very glad I finally did!

readingthroughthelists's review against another edition

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Lighthearted and fun (though not as fun or well-written as Harry Potter), with pretty illustrations and a small dose of medieval history that will no doubt be palatable for young readers.

cakrolik's review against another edition

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What a fun and cute little story.

I am so glad I got my hands on this one, Cornelia Funke has really done it again.


Jon is an eleven year old boy who is being sent away to boarding school for the first time, and he feels like it's a way for his mom to get him out of her hair. She has started dating a man who Jon calls "The Beard," a man that Jon loathes.

Once Jon arrives at the boarding school he becomes plagued by a pack of ghosts who seem bent on killing him. The thing is, no one else can see these ghosts except his new friend Ella. It is up to Ella and Jon to solve the mystery of why these ghosts want Jon dead. And in the process Ella introduces Jon to William Longspee, a long dead knight whose ghost happens to reside in the cathedral on the boarding school's grounds. Longspee is sworn to protect all those in need of help, and help is exactly what Jon needs.


This is such a fun story. I loved listening to it on audio book, as the narrator's voice and interpretation of the characters was just as fun as the story itself. I knew nothing about this story going into it - or even that it was geared at a much younger audience than I was anticipating. It was just on the newly released/recommended shelf at my local library, and since I have loved what I've read from Funke in the past, I figured why not. I'm always really glad when the chances I take on books works out as wonderfully as this one did.

It was interesting that this was a story told from an adult perspective about something that happened to him in his childhood. I thought that it might feel a little disjointed at times because of this, but it wasn't enough to take me out of the story. And, I think it serves the purpose of assuring the younger readers that, since the narrator was still alive as an adult, that he would survive the trials he faced in this story.

I also adored the relationship between Jon and Ella. She is such a fun and headstrong girl. And I particularly loved how often Jon marveled at the fact that he was friends with a girl. Because at ten years old? Boys and girls, for the most part, still have cooties. It was refreshing to have an honest depiction of a friendship at this age rather than the story jump headfirst into an unrealistic romance. He still fumbles and dorks it up around her, but it's so endearing. And he grows so much through this short story, in a completely realistic way.

Other characters I loved: Grandma (so eccentric and fun! what an interesting lady!), The Beard (not gonna spoil anything here), and Longspee (he's awesome, for a ghost. I love his whole story and the development with his character and Jon's along the way).

Overall this was a fun and interesting little story that I would recommend to anyone. The only thing is, despite how much I loved it as an audiobook, apparently the book has some amazing illustrations (which I would love to see). So, pick your format with that in mind.

See this review on my blog: Chaos Theory